Source code for chatterbot.chatterbot

import logging
from import StorageAdapter
from chatterbot.logic import LogicAdapter
from import TextSearch, IndexedTextSearch
from chatterbot import utils

[docs] class ChatBot(object): """ A conversational dialog chat bot. """ def __init__(self, name, **kwargs): = name storage_adapter = kwargs.get('storage_adapter', '') logic_adapters = kwargs.get('logic_adapters', [ 'chatterbot.logic.BestMatch' ]) # Check that each adapter is a valid subclass of it's respective parent utils.validate_adapter_class(storage_adapter, StorageAdapter) # Logic adapters used by the chat bot self.logic_adapters = [] = utils.initialize_class(storage_adapter, **kwargs) primary_search_algorithm = IndexedTextSearch(self, **kwargs) text_search_algorithm = TextSearch(self, **kwargs) self.search_algorithms = { primary_search_algorithm, text_search_algorithm } for adapter in logic_adapters: utils.validate_adapter_class(adapter, LogicAdapter) logic_adapter = utils.initialize_class(adapter, self, **kwargs) self.logic_adapters.append(logic_adapter) preprocessors = kwargs.get( 'preprocessors', [ 'chatterbot.preprocessors.clean_whitespace' ] ) self.preprocessors = [] for preprocessor in preprocessors: self.preprocessors.append(utils.import_module(preprocessor)) self.logger = kwargs.get('logger', logging.getLogger(__name__)) # Allow the bot to save input it receives so that it can learn self.read_only = kwargs.get('read_only', False)
[docs] def get_response(self, statement=None, **kwargs): """ Return the bot's response based on the input. :param statement: An statement object or string. :returns: A response to the input. :rtype: Statement :param additional_response_selection_parameters: Parameters to pass to the chat bot's logic adapters to control response selection. :type additional_response_selection_parameters: dict :param persist_values_to_response: Values that should be saved to the response that the chat bot generates. :type persist_values_to_response: dict """ Statement ='statement') additional_response_selection_parameters = kwargs.pop('additional_response_selection_parameters', {}) persist_values_to_response = kwargs.pop('persist_values_to_response', {}) if isinstance(statement, str): kwargs['text'] = statement if isinstance(statement, dict): kwargs.update(statement) if statement is None and 'text' not in kwargs: raise self.ChatBotException( 'Either a statement object or a "text" keyword ' 'argument is required. Neither was provided.' ) if hasattr(statement, 'serialize'): kwargs.update(**statement.serialize()) tags = kwargs.pop('tags', []) text = kwargs.pop('text') input_statement = Statement(text=text, **kwargs) input_statement.add_tags(*tags) # Preprocess the input statement for preprocessor in self.preprocessors: input_statement = preprocessor(input_statement) # Make sure the input statement has its search text saved if not input_statement.search_text: _search_text = input_statement.search_text = _search_text if not input_statement.search_in_response_to and input_statement.in_response_to: input_statement.search_in_response_to = response = self.generate_response(input_statement, additional_response_selection_parameters) # Update any response data that needs to be changed if persist_values_to_response: for response_key in persist_values_to_response: response_value = persist_values_to_response[response_key] if response_key == 'tags': input_statement.add_tags(*response_value) response.add_tags(*response_value) else: setattr(input_statement, response_key, response_value) setattr(response, response_key, response_value) if not self.read_only: self.learn_response(input_statement) # Save the response generated for the input**response.serialize()) return response
[docs] def generate_response(self, input_statement, additional_response_selection_parameters=None): """ Return a response based on a given input statement. :param input_statement: The input statement to be processed. """ Statement ='statement') results = [] result = None max_confidence = -1 for adapter in self.logic_adapters: if adapter.can_process(input_statement): output = adapter.process(input_statement, additional_response_selection_parameters) results.append(output) '{} selected "{}" as a response with a confidence of {}'.format( adapter.class_name, output.text, output.confidence ) ) if output.confidence > max_confidence: result = output max_confidence = output.confidence else: 'Not processing the statement using {}'.format(adapter.class_name) ) class ResultOption: def __init__(self, statement, count=1): self.statement = statement self.count = count # If multiple adapters agree on the same statement, # then that statement is more likely to be the correct response if len(results) >= 3: result_options = {} for result_option in results: result_string = result_option.text + ':' + (result_option.in_response_to or '') if result_string in result_options: result_options[result_string].count += 1 if result_options[result_string].statement.confidence < result_option.confidence: result_options[result_string].statement = result_option else: result_options[result_string] = ResultOption( result_option ) most_common = list(result_options.values())[0] for result_option in result_options.values(): if result_option.count > most_common.count: most_common = result_option if most_common.count > 1: result = most_common.statement response = Statement( text=result.text, in_response_to=input_statement.text, conversation=input_statement.conversation, persona='bot:' + ) response.confidence = result.confidence return response
[docs] def learn_response(self, statement, previous_statement=None): """ Learn that the statement provided is a valid response. """ if not previous_statement: previous_statement = statement.in_response_to if not previous_statement: previous_statement = self.get_latest_response(statement.conversation) if previous_statement: previous_statement = previous_statement.text previous_statement_text = previous_statement if not isinstance(previous_statement, (str, type(None), )): statement.in_response_to = previous_statement.text elif isinstance(previous_statement, str): statement.in_response_to = previous_statement'Adding "{}" as a response to "{}"'.format( statement.text, previous_statement_text )) # Save the input statement return**statement.serialize())
[docs] def get_latest_response(self, conversation): """ Returns the latest response in a conversation if it exists. Returns None if a matching conversation cannot be found. """ from chatterbot.conversation import Statement as StatementObject conversation_statements = list( conversation=conversation, order_by=['id'] )) # Get the most recent statement in the conversation if one exists latest_statement = conversation_statements[-1] if len(conversation_statements) else None return latest_statement
[docs] class ChatBotException(Exception): pass