Source code for chatterbot.utils
ChatterBot utility functions
import importlib
import time
import sys
def import_module(dotted_path):
Imports the specified module based on the
dot notated import path for the module.
module_parts = dotted_path.split('.')
module_path = '.'.join(module_parts[:-1])
module = importlib.import_module(module_path)
return getattr(module, module_parts[-1])
def initialize_class(data, *args, **kwargs):
:param data: A string or dictionary containing a import_path attribute.
if isinstance(data, dict):
import_path = data.get('import_path')
Class = import_module(import_path)
return Class(*args, **data)
Class = import_module(data)
return Class(*args, **kwargs)
def validate_adapter_class(validate_class, adapter_class):
Raises an exception if validate_class is not a
subclass of adapter_class.
:param validate_class: The class to be validated.
:type validate_class: class
:param adapter_class: The class type to check against.
:type adapter_class: class
:raises: Adapter.InvalidAdapterTypeException
from chatterbot.adapters import Adapter
# If a dictionary was passed in, check if it has an import_path attribute
if isinstance(validate_class, dict):
if 'import_path' not in validate_class:
raise Adapter.InvalidAdapterTypeException(
'The dictionary {} must contain a value for "import_path"'.format(
# Set the class to the import path for the next check
validate_class = validate_class.get('import_path')
if not issubclass(import_module(validate_class), adapter_class):
raise Adapter.InvalidAdapterTypeException(
'{} must be a subclass of {}'.format(
def get_response_time(chatbot, statement='Hello'):
Returns the amount of time taken for a given
chat bot to return a response.
:param chatbot: A chat bot instance.
:type chatbot: ChatBot
:returns: The response time in seconds.
:rtype: float
start_time = time.time()
return time.time() - start_time
def print_progress_bar(description, iteration_counter, total_items, progress_bar_length=20):
Print progress bar
:param description: Training description
:type description: str
:param iteration_counter: Incremental counter
:type iteration_counter: int
:param total_items: total number items
:type total_items: int
:param progress_bar_length: Progress bar length
:type progress_bar_length: int
:returns: void
:rtype: void
DEPRECTTED: use `tqdm` instead
percent = float(iteration_counter) / total_items
hashes = '#' * int(round(percent * progress_bar_length))
spaces = ' ' * (progress_bar_length - len(hashes))
sys.stdout.write('\r{0}: [{1}] {2}%'.format(description, hashes + spaces, int(round(percent * 100))))
if total_items == iteration_counter: