Utility Methods

ChatterBot has a utility module that contains a collection of miscellaneous but useful functions.

Module imports


Imports the specified module based on the dot notated import path for the module.

Class initialization

chatterbot.utils.initialize_class(data, *args, **kwargs)[source]

data – A string or dictionary containing a import_path attribute.

ChatBot response time

chatterbot.utils.get_response_time(chatbot, statement='Hello')[source]

Returns the amount of time taken for a given chat bot to return a response.


chatbot (ChatBot) – A chat bot instance.


The response time in seconds.

Return type:


Parsing datetime information

chatterbot.parsing.datetime_parsing(text, base_date=datetime.datetime(2025, 3, 1, 21, 10, 23, 290181))[source]

Extract datetime objects from a string of text.